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Everything for Waycross Ware County GA


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Brought to you by the Ware County CERT &

your useful local contact numbers & much more


Our homepage has a load of useful local links, take a moment and have a look round.

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your Local Community Events Calendar


There’s always something going on & if you have an event and isn’t there, let us now, it’s FREE.

your Links to all our Local Attractions


Local attractions to Waycross Ware County GA – simple, they’re all in our ‘Local Links’ section.

All our navigation is now at the top of the page

your Local News & Announcements


We now feature some local events, news & things of interest

Local Waycross Ware County GA News & Announcements

Your Ware Local News and AnnouncementsOur Local Waycross Ware County GA News & Announcements aren’t on a daily basis but more as an ‘as and when’ there’s something note worthy.
We want to promote local events & news, so if you have something you’d like to see here, please contact us, and we’ll review it and post it, so if you have something to say, please contact us


Shop with a Cop

Each Year the Waycross Police Department Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5 gets out within the community for two important reasons;
First, it provides needy children in our area with the necessities of life and gifts at Christmas,
Second, it helps teach children that a police officer is someone they can go to in a time of need rather than be afraid of.

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What’s in a date

Well, it almost goes without saying, but we all do, Happy 4th July! Another year older and lets hope wiser, but when you look at the world you begin to wonder if the human race will ever learn.

For those that know me, you’ll be aware that I’m originally from England and contrary to a number of friends and acquaintances, no we don’t celebrate this holiday back in England. As I say, ‘we don’t celebrate our loses’, but I do add that I’m glad we did otherwise I won’t be here in the US now.


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Like these video clips? Then click [here] to see others we've posted before, these are generally funny videos because we've all gotta have a laugh, but we do slip in an informational one now and again, either way Take a break & take a look.

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