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COVID-19 closes Schools

Just when everyone thought it was getting better we have this announced today: Due to a sharp increase in the number of active positive COVID cases reported among students and staff members as well as the number of individuals who are currently quarantined, the Ware...

Tatum points to lengthy service in bid for sheriff

By MYRA THRIFT Staff Writer Retired Waycross Police Major Chris Tatum has announced that he will qualify to seek election to the seat of Ware County Sheriff in the March 16 special election set to fill the vacancy. Tatum is a native of Ware County, a 1982...

Battling online coronavirus scams with facts

YourWareLocal is changing the post criteria here as this isn’t really local news, but we feel it should be mentioned. This article is brought to you by Malwarebytes, one of the leading anti-virus and malware companies. Panic and confusion about the recent...

The Waycross Magazine

Since 2004 the WAYCROSS magazine has been featuring stories and pictures that showcase the good life and times in Waycross and Ware County. Dave Callaway, the owner of Callaway Communications publishes the magazine three times a year. ‘I want everyone to see how...
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